A client meets with us and together they define the purpose and basic requirements for the building, known as its program. An architect may also provide other pre-design services such master planning and historic research on existing building or building site.
We acts as the agent of the owner/client, and solicits bids from contractors. The architect can also advise the client in his or her decision process to select a contractor. Once signed, contract documents define the project. An architect can help the client
Once a scheme is chosen by the client, the rough sketch is developed into a working set of plans and elevations. Such drawings give a general sense of what the final building will include and give a rough idea of cost. Through design development drawings,
We serves as the agent of the client during construction to make sure the contractor and subcontractor are building faithfully to the drawings and specifications. It is not uncommon for unsupervised contractors to ignore drawings or to cut corners
Plans, elevations, and other drawings are refined to produce a set of drawings and specifications that will be used to erect the building. The architect works with the client to select appropriate materials and finishes to ensure a high-quality final building.
We can take the extremely important role of helping their client go through various bureaucratic processes necessary for renovations or new constructions in New Orleans.